Friday, April 5, 2019

Spinning Luxurious Yarn

A few years ago I bought a pair of braids of some very soft, shimmery black roving.  When I touched it, it felt like I was petting a cloud.  I didn't have any particular project in mind when I bought them, but I knew that what ever I made with it would be silky soft and very warm.  They were a blend of alpaca and silk.  When I got a request for a special camping nightcap, I knew what material I wanted to use.  I could make a thin cap that would still be very warm with this blend, but first I had to turn it into yarn.

I made two skeins of this shimmery, soft double ply yarn and then proceeded to tun this yarn into a hat.
From start to finish it was many hours of work, but I love the final product.  A thin, but warm, soft hat that won't fall off when the wearer is cozy in their sleeping bag on a camping trip.

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