Sunday, November 22, 2015

Starting my Foray into Dyeing

I have been spinning roving for a couple years now and I have always been a fan of using colored rovings, but have never dyed any myself.  This changed this year when a friend introduced me to the world of dying.  The pieces I dyed in my lesson with her spun up beautifully and I couldn't get the idea of creating my own color combinations out of my head.

I recently "invested" a small amount of money into supplies for my new dying adventure.  I found a rice steamer at a local thrift shop for $5.00 and I was able to order a bag of 4oz. yorker bottles through my real job for only $10.00.  I ordered a pound of merino/tussah roving for a fairly cheap price of $33.00, and I ordered a dyeing starter kit for another $33.00.  For under $100 I am now fully prepared to start exploring the world of hand dyed fiber.

I have also been spinning a plain white yarn from 100% merino roving.  I want to compare how spun yarn dyes compared to the roving.  I am going to try to be organized about this whole learning process.  I have bought a notebook specifically for taking notes on color, fiber type, and mordant used to help me learn about dyeing.

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