Friday, November 11, 2016

Digging Up the Parsnips

Parsnips were one of those crops that I tucked in here and there in some of the garden beds.  When I planted the squash bed I added a handful of parsnips seeds in the empty spaces between the hills.  I figured they would have enough time to grow under the cover of the squash crop without interfering since they have a low growth habit and deep tap roots.  I wanted to plant parsnips mostly because of their long tap root.  My soil is heavy clay and I was hoping that the roots would help break up the soil a little bit.  They are a useful crop and they will make a nice addition to winter soups and stews.  I didn't plant a lot of them, but they are scattered throughout the garden, so I hope to get a decent amount by the time I have dug them all.

  This handful of parsnips is just a part of the total harvest I hope to get this year.  I should still have a couple hiding amongst the peppers and possibly a few in the broccoli bed as well.

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