Sunday, February 12, 2017

Last Year's Final Crop: Parsnip

I am now in the mode of preparing garden beds for spring crops and one of the beds that still needed to be addressed was last summer's pepper bed.  I had inter-planted parsnips with the peppers and after the peppers were done for the year, I just let the bed die back over the colder days of winter.  Now that the days are getting warmer again I decided to get around to digging the parsnips out of the ground where they were hiding.  I need to have the bed ready for transplanting in a few weeks since I plan on using it for my spring crop of broccoli.

Slowly I turned over the soil of the bed with my shovel and one by one I dug out a small number of good sized parsnips.  When they are harvested at this time of the year they are very sweet and tender and make a great side dish for any number of meals.

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