Saturday, March 25, 2017

Forgotten Carrots

I was turning over the last of the garden beds to get ready for spring and I made a pleasant discovery.   In the bed where my brussel sprouts grew last year I had planted carrots in the bed, but forgot about them as the brussel sprouts took over the bed with their huge leaves.  In the winter after everything died back, the carrots hid silently in the soil protected from extreme cold and wind.  After I pulled the remains of the brussel sprouts from the ground I began to turn the soil using a shovel.  The first few shovel fulls were nothing but dirt and weeds, but then I came across something bright orange in the soil.  Then I remembered that I did plant carrot seeds in this bed.  There were many small carrots that I found as I dug, but there were some good sized ones here and there.  After it was all said and done I had dug up a little over 2 1/2 pounds of fresh carrots.
Not bad for a forgotten harvest!

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