Sunday, May 21, 2017

Sunflower Sprouts

At the front of my yard, nearest the road I have three long beds that run the length of the fence.  There I planted what will become a colorful screen for my yard.  The row nearest the garden was planted with giant sunflower seeds.  In front of that is a row of a variety of red and yellow sunflowers that I planted from seed I saved last fall.  Both of those rows had excellent germination after I planted them a mere week ago.  The last row was planted with Hopi Red Dye Amaranth which won't grow as tall as the sunflowers, but will add a depth of color and texture to the screen when viewed from the road.  In between stands of the amaranth I planted Sweet Meat winter squash which I am hoping will become a ground cover along the fence line towards the road.  It is a nice sight to walk down a row and see that nearly every seed that I planted has started to come up.  It looks like I will have a stunning display of color in my yard once things really get to growing!

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