Thursday, September 13, 2018

Bottling the Strawberry Dandelion Wine

I first started this batch of wine back in May when the dandelions were coming on strong and the strawberries were just beginning to come into season.  It bubbled away on my counter for several weeks and then slowly began to clear.  I racked it once after the first month when fermentation had slowed down to nothing.  I waiting a couple more months until the wine was completely clear and then the day came for bottling.  It was a small batch so the process was short and simple.  I sterilized the bottles and corks that I would be using and then transferred the wine from the gallon carboy to the bottles.  The result was this beautiful wine.

It made almost five full bottles of wine.  Now that it is bottled I will let it age for a few more months before I take my first real taste.  The small amount that I got to taste today was good, though it still had a bit of a bitter tang that is present in young wines.  Time will mellow that flavor and bring out the fruity and floral tastes that make this wine unique.  Because it is such a small batch I imagine this will come out for special occasions and be savored in small amounts.  It is definitely a treat worth waiting for.

1 comment:

  1. It definitely looks good enough to drink! I'm completely inexperienced with wine making, so the tidbit about the aging was one to tuck away for future reference.
