Monday, October 29, 2018

Dehydrating Plums: Home Made Prunes

It is very late in the season for fresh fruit now, but I was gifted a small box of homegrown plums this week.  I hadn't really planned on getting more plums this year, but I wouldn't turn down free homegrown fruit.  I had plenty of plum wine brewing and I still had plum jam in my pantry from last year so I thought I should try something a little different with them.  I decided to dry them and add them to my collection of dried fruit.

Preparing them for drying is simply a quick scrub to make sure they are clean and then cutting them in halves to remove the pit.  Each half was then turned inside out to help it dry better and then placed skin side down on my dehydrator trays.

The drying itself took almost two days before they were done and they were still leathery and pliable when I finally took them off the trays.  These late season plums were super sweet and each dried plum tastes like candy.  I am happy to be able to add a few more quarts of dried fruit to my already brimming pantry shelves.

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