Friday, October 5, 2018

Peppers by the Pound

Cold nights are fast approaching so I have been spending today harvesting things that won't survive the frost.  At the top of my list was the peppers.  The plants were heavy with fruit and they wouldn't have the chance to ripen further, so I went through and picked every last pepper that I could find.  I was rewarded with a rainbow of beautiful peppers.

I also picked about a gallon of jalapenos.

I already have plenty of salsa canned for the year, so I decided that I would keep these peppers in the freezer.  The large bell peppers will be stemmed and seeded then cut in half and frozen for stuffed peppers.  The smaller misshapen peppers will get sliced up into chunks and frozen in portions for adding to all kinds of dishes.  The jalapenos will get stemmed and seeded and then I will prep them to become poppers and freeze the leftovers for later too.  

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