Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Cucumber Production is Kicking into High Gear

I am so very happy about how well my cucumbers are growing this year.  They are doing so well, that they are contemplating taking over the nearly bare beds on either side.  One of my next planned projects is to work on taming the vines to the trellis again.  They are also putting out flowers by the hundreds I think.  The season has barely begun and I have already harvesting 12 to 20 at a time.  My latest harvest revealed a couple of extra large pickles that are on the verge of becoming chicken fodder, though I think I may use them for spears if I trim them down to the right size.

The white ones and the smaller green ones will become baby dills and I might squeeze a can of spears out of the large green ones.  The white ones are so small because they tend to want to be short and round little cucumbers if I try to let them grow longer.  They have a milder flavor as well, and I'm curious about the differences in the flavors of the finished pickle.  Guess I will find out soon enough.  I will be canning them tomorrow morning, along with the cucumber harvests from the last few days.

Right now I have enough to nearly fill this gallon bag, so I think I will be able to get several quarts of pickles from this round of harvests.  I can't wait to add more pickles to my pantry shelves!  At the rate that these cucumbers are growing, I may have to devote an entire closet to their storage.....I might even have enough to share!

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