Wednesday, September 28, 2016

The Great Potato Harvest 2016

This year I grew two 3x10 foot beds of potatoes.  I planted three different varieties: Yukon Gold, Kennebec, and Purple Viking.  I started harvesting the yukon gold a few weeks ago by digging up one plant at a time and leaving the rest to grow more.  I decided to dig up all of the remaining potatoes in stages.  Almost all of the plants had died back and the beds were becoming overgrown with weeds from the mulch I used (rotting hay).  The first bed yielded the rest of the Yukon Golds and about half of the Kennebecs.  The second bed was dug up a couple weeks later and revealed a very decent sized harvest of the Purple Vikings and the other half of the Kennebecs.  I was plesantly surprised by the huge size of some of the potatoes.  Apparently the overgrowth of weeds in this bed didn't impact the harvest much at all.

Together both harvests filled two boxes that I had saved from canning peaches.

I would guess the total harvest is in the realm of 50-60 pounds without counting the potatoes that I have been eating along the way.  I will be keeping them in a closet in the coolest room in the house.  Hopefully this will keep me in potatoes until next spring if I'm lucky.  Depending on how long they last, I might try to grow three beds next year.

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