Monday, February 29, 2016

Spring Has Sprung

This year the groundhog didn't see his shadow due to a decent snowstorm that blew through that day.  His prediction of an early spring seems to be coming true.  The days have been getting well into the 50's here for the past two to three weeks and the overnight temps have been creeping closer and closer to the freezing mark.  It certainly felt a lot like spring, and the local flora and fauna seemed to agree.

And today I noticed this out in the garden:
It's the garlic that I planted late last fall.  

The garlic coming up is a sure sign of spring.  Like daffodils and tulips, overwintered bulbs will be the first to show up at the beginning of the season.  Even though the calender says that spring is still three weeks away, my garden is telling me that it is already here, and that makes me a happy gardener!

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