Sunday, April 16, 2017

Onions Are Up

The onion sets that I planted a couple of weeks ago have already broken the surface of the garden beds.  You have to look pretty close to see them, but they are coming up in droves.  I am also happy to report that the tiny seedling onions that I salvaged from cat damage have been making progress as well.  I hope they take off as well as the sets that I planted, but honestly I am just happy that they survived at all.
When they get a little taller I will lay down another layer of mulch over them to reduce the weed pressure in this bed.  If I wait until they get too tall, their leaves will be tangled together and will be harder to get the mulch down on the ground where I want it.  I hope to be harvesting this bed by August so I can squeeze in a fall crop like carrots or spinach before the year is through.  My pantry should be nice and full again this fall if all of these onions grow to a good size for me this year.

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