Saturday, April 8, 2017

The Last of the Fresh Carrots.

While I was getting beds ready for planting next year I came across a few more surprise carrots and even a bonus tiny parsnip in the long rows I had planted with corn last summer.  I had planted carrots, lettuce and radishes in the gaps between clumps of corn and they grew slowly in the shade of the corn patch all summer and into fall.  I allowed the survivors to overwinter outside under a heavy layer of grass mulch that I laid down last summer.  When I walked these rows to remove the irrigation lines I noticed new growth in the areas that I had planted carrots.  Since these beds will be getting tilled soon, I wanted to get the last of the produce out of them.  I dug up any area that I noticed any feathery green carrot tops.  I was happy to find that I had many good sized carrots growing at one end of the bed.  Another couple of pounds of carrots fresh from the dirt in my front yard!

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