Friday, June 23, 2017

Finishing Spring Spinach

I planted spinach alongside my peas early this spring and was rewarded with a number of fresh spinach salads for the past few months.  Now the plants are at their peak and have loads of huge, thick, juicy leaves.  They are also on the verge of bolting because of the heat here.  Spinach is a cold weather crop and once they go to seed, the leaves become bitter and tough.  This is probably my last chance to harvest my spring spinach before it becomes less palatable.
I want to go through and do a big harvest and freeze as much as I can for future use, but honestly I am not a huge fan of cooked spinach, so this probably isn't the best use of this crop for me.  Feeding it to the chickens would at least save me a little money of chicken food as well as give them a super nutritious meal.  

Once the spinach is removed from the bed I will plant the space with a crop of parsnips.  I don't want to leave an empty space in the garden during the most productive time of the year.  The parsnips will take all summer to grow and I can leave them in the ground for storage until I am ready to harvest them in winter.

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