Monday, February 12, 2018

Bonus Harvest

Slowly but surely I am working my way through cleaning up the garden for spring.  We have had a stretch of mild weather here and it has been warm enough to turn over more beds.  The most recent turned bed was my mixed bag bed in which I allowed volunteer potatoes to grow among the turnips, carrots and chard that I planted.  Apparently I missed some things when I harvested the first time around.
I managed to find a few more pounds of potatoes and a handful of carrots.  Many of the small potatoes were soft from the hard freezes, but some of the deeper, larger potatoes were in great condition so I added them to my potato storage inside.  The carrots will be fresh snacks for a couple of days.  I love finding late season treats like this in my garden.  This is a very barren time of year for the garden so the fact that I am harvesting anything at all makes me very happy.

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