Thursday, February 15, 2018

My Favorite Home Grown Breakfast

In my house breakfast gets fancy when I have the time to cook in the morning.  My favorite thing to make for myself is over easy eggs with a side of "Potatoes ala Wendall" and bacon.  This is a breakfast that I have on a regular basis since I have an abundant supply of eggs, potatoes, onions and garlic from my back yard. 

The first things into the frying pan are a couple slices of bacon.  While those cook up I chop the potatoes, onions and garlic into small chunks so they cook up fast.  

I have a variety of different potatoes on hand so I like to mix it up a little from day to day.  I also substitute shallots for onions here and there to add a little more variety to my meals.  I am using up the crops that I harvested last fall little by little and each meal makes me proud because I know that this food came out of my own front yard.

Once the bacon is finished cooking I throw the potatoes into the pan and let them brown a bit before adding the onions and finally the garlic.

Last but not least are the fresh eggs cracked into the hot pan and cooked until golden brown on both sides.
This is by far one of my favorite ways to start my day and I love the flavor of my fresh, colorful homegrown meals.  I also love the fact that the only thing on my plate that I had to buy was the bacon.  This delicious meal cost me less than $1.00 and took about 20 minutes to prepare.  What a great way to greet the day!

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