Saturday, August 4, 2018

Freezing Green Beans

The weather has been warm and humid lately and the garden is thriving in this summer heat.  I am picking green beans at least every other day to keep up with growth.  In the past couple of weeks I have noticed a sizeable increase in my harvests.  Now each time I pick beans I am getting enough for several meals. Since I can't keep up with eating them all fresh, I have been processing them and freezing them as they come in.

Because I work in small batches I am able to trim and wash the beans as the blanching water heats up.  Once the water starts to boil I dump the whole load of beans into the pot where they blanch to a lovely shade of green in about two minutes.
From there the beans take a cold plunge in some ice water to halt the cooking process.  Once they have cooled back down I divide them into servings and freeze them.
Little by little my freezer will be filling up with each bowlful of beans that I harvest.  What is growing great now will be feeding me well once the weather turns colder.

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