Sunday, March 3, 2019

Enjoying the Winter Wonderland

I am getting my first taste of what a real mountain winter is like out here in Colorado.  The past several years have apparently been drought winters as they were generally mild with very little snow.  This year the weather is holding nothing back.  Down in the valley where I live the snow has never been more than a couple inches deep, but the surrounding mountains are covered with feet of the powdery, cold, white stuff.  This weekend I had the treat of exploring the deep snow on the Grand Mesa.  There was a break in the storms that have been rolling through the west over the past several weeks and we had the small victory of blue bird skies and temperatures hovering in the 30's.  It was perfect for a couple hours of breaking trail through a pristine winter wonderland.

 The view of the Bookcliffs from the edge of the Mesa

 Looking down the valley towards Grand Junction.

I couldn't resist making a snow angel in this untouched meadow.  Where I fell back the hole was at least two feet deep.  I have never before traveled through snow this deep!

 My hiking buddy posing for the shot leading to the overlook.

 The view from the overlook was fantastic.

 A blank slate of snow filled this mountain meadow.

How deep was the snow?  Deep enough to bury road signs and taller than the roof of passing vehicles.  It was over my head by several inches in places.  I was very happy that I had snowshoes for a day like today. 

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