Sunday, October 23, 2016

First Anniversary!

Just wanted to mention that it has been a full year since I started writing this blog and I hope you have enjoyed what I have shared with you so far.  I created this blog to inspire people to enjoy the good things in life, good food, good scenery and lots of fresh air.

The garden posts are some of my favorite things to write about and they are also a way for me to record how well my garden does from year to year.  I hope that the food preservation posts are inspiring as well.  I think canning my own food adds to my sense of security about that types of things that I put into my body.  I also think that fresh preserved foods taste better than anything that I could buy from a store.

I love sharing my adventures hiking in the local scenery.  I am so blessed to live in such a beautiful place that it just feels right to share pictures of the places I go around here.  I hope to share many more different places in the next year of this adventure.

I know that the fiber craft related posts are few and far between, but I am proud to post updates of my projects as I finish them.  There should be plenty more of those coming in the next few months as I will have more time indoors to work on them.  I have a few up and coming projects that will be shared soon!

I would like to try to keep this blog interesting for any who read it, so any suggestions as to what you want to see more of would be appreciated.  Here is to a fabulous first year!

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