Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Greenhouse is Keeping it Hot

I am really happy with my makeshift greenhouse for the tomatoes and peppers.  I know it doesn't keep it that much warmer than the cold air outside overnight, but during the day it becomes a tropical rainforest in there and the plants are loving it!  The extra heat during the day is really helping the tomatoes and pepper ripen at a time when they should be starting to die back.  I have already had a light frost here that luckily didn't kill them, but now that they are covered, I hope to keep them going for at least a few more weeks.  How well they do will just depend on the weather.

The tomatoes are nearly six feet tall in some places and are loaded with unripe fruits.  I would really love to still be eating garden fresh tomatoes into November and might try different methods of heating the greenhouse to keep the plants going longer.

The peppers perked up with the extra heat too, though their harvest isn't looking nearly as bountiful.  If I'm lucky I might put a few more quarts of them in the freezer, but that will probably be all that I will get.  Next year I should probably start my seeds sooner since they need such a long growing season to fully ripen.

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