Saturday, March 24, 2018

Hardening Off Broccoli

The Broccoli seedlings are really coming into their own.  They were planted in the middle of January and have made great progress since germinating.  Spring is just around the corner here and I was hoping to get the plants out into the garden by early to mid April.  Since they have been growing under grow lights in my kitchen they will need some time to adjust to life outside so I am gradually introducing them to the environment that will be their final home.

In the beginning I only leave them outside in a sunny area for an hour or so during the day when the weather is calm.  I will gradually increase their time outside as they get stronger and the weather warms.  They will go outside permanently once the night time temps are staying above freezing more consistently.  Broccoli can handle light freezes but I would rather not stress the young plants if I can help it.  Hopefully they will be big and sturdy by the time I get around to getting them in the dirt.

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