Monday, March 12, 2018

Update on the Straggler

It had been 10 days since the last chick hatched.  The tiny chick that I had to help hatch was a fighter to have made it this far.  Today I came home from work and it was gone - it had passed away some time during the day.  This morning it was up and getting around with the other chicks in it's weird way.  I never really did see it lay down to sleep like all the other chicks, so there was some kind of neurological issue I am guessing.  It also tended to walk more backwards than forwards, but it could get around pretty well.  I knew that it was eating and drinking because it was making plenty of poop and it hung around the feeders like the others, but it did keep getting pasty butt and I was cleaning it daily.  I think only the very first feathers had shown any signs of growth on the tiny chick's wings.  All of the other chicks were about three times the size of this little one and they all had feathers growing in all over now, not just on their wing tips.  I was hoping that this little one was going to make it, but I guess it was just too weak.  At least I gave it what chance I could.  Not every thing works out the way we hope sometimes.

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