Monday, March 5, 2018

The Straggler

Last week five of my chicks hatched.  I left the incubator running for a couple of days just in case there were any late comers.  Two days after the initial hatch I still heard peeping coming from the incubator.  I didn't see any cracks in any shells though, so I didn't think this chick was going to make it.  On the third day there was still peeping and one egg did have a crack.  I thought I should give this chick the opportunity to hatch so I still left the incubator running.  By the forth day nothing had happened, but the chick was still peeping so I decided to help it out.  I have heard that you shouldn't help chicks hatch because there is probably something wrong and they won't survive, but I was a little surprised at the fight in this one that was still cheeping in it's shell four days after the others had hatched.  I quickly chipped back the shell around the chick and set it back in the incubator to finish drying for a few hours.  It seemed as though it was stuck to the membrane inside the shell so it may have dried out too much during the hatching process.  I also think that I probably left it in the egg too long waiting for it to hatch.  It can stand up, but is very wobbly and for some reason it seems to be having trouble holding up it's head in a normal position like the other chicks though I have seen small improvements.  I did see it drinking so far, so it is staying hydrated enough.  It does seem distressed though and is definitely smaller than the other chicks that hatched earlier.  I'm not ready to give up on this chick yet because it has been trying so hard to live.  I'm not sure if it will make it in the long run, but I will feel better knowing that at least I gave it a chance to live.  If it starts eating better and getting stronger it's odds will improve, but today I am still thinking that it's odds are about 50/50.  Only time will tell.

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