Friday, March 25, 2016

Baby Chickens: Four Weeks Old

The chickens are growing fast!  They have spent the last couple of nights out in their coop with the heat lamp on.  I was a little worried the first night because it was a windy night and the outside temps hit 27 degrees.  I made sure to cover the coop with a tarp to act as a windbreak and to help insulate the coop a little.  The coop is small enough that the heat lamp has no problem keeping the space warm enough for the young chickens.  During the day I have been leaving the heat lamp on with the door open, so they can go inside and warm up if they need to.  They are learning that the coop is a warm, safe place.  Though they seem to prefer spending most of their time out in the run, happily scratching at the dirt.  Here they are at four weeks old:

They are starting to resemble grown up chickens more and more, though they are still only a quarter of their size.  This one is a very curious little chicken that comes up to me every time I sit by their run just to say hello:

They are definitely developing personalities and they each have their own little buddy that they like to hang out with the most.  It seems as though the barred rocks are the most curious and fearless of them all, while the buff orpingtons are the most easy going but shy in the group.  The Rhode Island Reds are somewhere in between, being curious and a little brave, but also fairly laid back.  

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