Monday, May 16, 2016

Baby Chicks Are Here Again!

It didn't take long for the hatchery to fill my order of chicks.  They called me to see if sending the shipment in just a few days would be ok with me.  I didn't even have to wait for them to be hatched.....yet another benefit of ordering chicks that were on special.  All of the chicks arrived two days after I confirmed the order and when I picked them up from the post office, they were super active and chirping like crazy.  I hurried them home to get them into their brooder set up.  They started eating and drinking within seconds of being placed in the brooder and soon settled into their new home.  I was also happy to find out that the hatchery threw in a few extra chicks for free.  They probably expect a few to not make the journey, so a few extra is insurance that I get my full order if a couple die in transit.  I was pleased to see that all 28 chicks were happy and healthy (thats the same as getting three chickens for free in my book).  Since I don't know what breeds they sent me, it will be a kind of waiting game to see what they turn out to be.  It doesn't really matter what they are since they are destined for the freezer, but they were all supposed to be "heavy breeds"  meaning that they will make decent meat chickens when they reach maturity.  Many of them are probably roosters which is fine with me since they tend to make heavier birds anyways, and they will be young enough come butching time that they shouldn't be tough or taste different.

So far they all seem happy and healthy and when they are not dozing off they are running around like crazy and eating and drinking well.  

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